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Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the General and Germanic Linguistics Department, Head of General and Germanic Linguistics Department |
2008 – graduation from the Polish branch, the Institute of Philology of the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”; achieved, qualification “philologist, teacher of the Polish language and literature, the Ukrainian language and literature”.
2008-2011 – postgraduate at the department of General and German linguistics, the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”.
On May 25, 2012 – Ph.D. thesis defense at the meeting of the Specialized Academic Council K 20.051.02 at the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University” on the topic “Prepositional and substantive complex in the semantic-syntactic sentence structure” (scientific advisor – academician at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General and German Linguistics Kononenko Vitalii Ivanovych; Official opponents – Doctor of Philology, Professor Ivanytska Nina Lavrentiivna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor Tomusiak Liudmyla Mykolayivna) and gained degree – Candidate of Philological Sciences in major 10.02.01 – Ukrainian language.
February 22, 2012 – September 01, 2014 – assistant of the Rector in the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”.
Since September 2013 – lecturer at the Department of Philology and Methodology of Primary Education, the Pedagogical Institute, the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”.
On December 26, 2013 – doctoral dissertation theme approval “Functional and semantic typology of the sentence determinants in the modern Ukrainian language”, major 10.02.01 – Ukrainian language (scientific advisor – academician at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General and German Linguistics Kononenko Vitalii Ivanovych).
04/11/2015-31/10/2018 – doctoral student at the Department of General and German Linguistics, Faculty of Philology of the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”.
Since October 2017 – senior researcher, head of the Project “Semantic Syntax of the Ukrainian Language: Translinguistic Aspect”.
Foreign languages: Polish – fluent, English – intermediate level.
Personal qualities: goal oriented, hardworking, persistent, responsible, sociable, good at mastering new skills.
State awards / honors / scholarships / grants:
- Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2018).
- The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine scholarship for young scientists
(2018-2020). - Grant of the President of Ukraine to support scientific research of young scientists (2018).
Public, scientific, expert activity:
- Since January 2013 – editorial board member of the scientific periodical Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia (Department of Ukrainian Studies, Warsaw University, Poland).
- Since January 2013 – assistant of the head of the linguistic school on Semantics, Semantic Syntax academician at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General and German Linguistics Kononenko Vitalii Ivanovych.
- Since September 2015 – assistant of the head of the council on scientific and research work of students, postgraduates and young scientists of the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”.
- Since September 2015 – responsible for scientific and research work of students at the pedagogical faculty of the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”.
- Since March 2017 – member of the specialized academic council K 20.051.02 the State Pedagogical University “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”.
- Since May 2017 – expert in the Commission on young scientists scientific projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
International scholarship programs / internships:
- 1-30/07/2015 – Grant on scientific work (University of Warsaw, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”).
- 1/11-31/12/2016 – Faculty of Artes Liberales grant, University of Warsaw.
- 1/04-30/06/2017 – Grant on scientific work (University of Warsaw, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”).
- 01/09/2017-31/07/2018 – Scholarship program of the Government of the Republic of Poland for Young Scientists (University of Warsaw, Department of Ukrainian).
Scientific interests: semantic syntax, semantics, functions, functional-semantic aspects of grammatical units of the Ukrainian language.
– author of 55 publications, including 53 scientific and 2 educational and methodical papers, among them 5 collective monographs, 40 publications in professional periodicals, 10 publications in foreign periodicals;
– participation in 46 international scientific conferences, including 15 foreign (the Republic of Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania, the Republic of Latvia, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Belarus).
- Modern Ukrainian scientific speech
- Linguistic semantics: problems and perspectives;
- Expressive reading in primary school;
- Fundamentals of stylistics of the modern Ukrainian language
Scientific social networks:
(https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=ysDSI4IAAAAJ&hl=uk ).
Vorobets О. YOUNG PRECARPATHIAN SCHOLARS: A REVIEW OF RESEARCH WORKS. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 2014. Vol. 1. №. 4. S. 160‑165. (Index Сореrnicus).
Vorobets O. CATEGORICAL STATUS OF EXTENDERS OF THE MODEL OF SENTENCE STRUCTURE. Ukrajinistika: minulost, pritomnost, budoucnost III. Jazyk: monograph. Brno: Jan Sojnek – Galium, 2015. P. 133–140.
Vorobets O. THE ADDRESS FUNCTIONS OF EXTENDERS IN STRUCTURAL SENTENCE MODEL. LANGUAGE 2016. Language in Various Cultural Contexts. Proceedings of Scientific Readings XXVI ; ed. S. Polkovnikova. Daugavpils : Daugavpils University Academic Press “Saule”, 2016. P. 146–150.
Vorobets O., Magas N.Presentation of Reality and Irreality in Polish and Ukrainian Languages: COMPARATIVE STUDY. New stages of development of modern science in Ukraine and EU countries: monograph / edited by authors. 6th ed. Riga, Latvia: “Baltija Publishing”, 2019. P. 112‑129.
Vorobets O., Iliichuk L. Psychological and Pedagogical Features of Students’ Adaptation to Studying at a Higher Education Institutions. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 2020. Vol. 7. № 1. P. 76-89.
Maria Tsurkan, Oleksii Vorobets, Yuliia Popoilyk, Yurchak M. Halyna The Effectiveness Of The Model Implementation Of The Methodological System Of Teaching Ukrainian As A Foreign Language To Medical Students. ALRJournal. 2020; 4(9): 200-208. DOI: 10.14744/ALRJ.2020.21704 Web of Science
Vorobrts O. Functional-semantic extended sentence of the modern Ukrainian literary language. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 2021.
Vorobets O. (…) FIGURES OF SPEECH FUNCTIONING IN THE LINGUO-PRAGMATIC DIMENSION. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 12/02-XXIX. 2022. P. 142-145. (https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000884108600001).
Shcherbii N., Vorobets O., Mytsan D., Korpalo O., Magas N., Andriiv O. SYNTACTIC FUNCTIONS OF THE INFINITIVE IN SLAVIC LANGUAGES. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research. 13/02-XXXVII. 2023. P. 87-95. (Web of Science).
Ukraine, 78018
Ivano-Frankivsk region
Ivano-Frankivsk city
Shevchenko street, 57
office 408
Phone: +38(0342)596010
E-mail: oleksii.vorobets@pnu.edu.ua
E-mail: oleksiyvorobets@ukr.net
Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника